Back in the Swing of Things

Not even a year has passed, yet it feels like it’s been forever since last summer when I began this blog.  A few updates for my readers:

1.  I was in Shanghai last semester from August to December.  What I found out?  Despite the use of a VPN, the Great Fire Wall was difficult to navigate around.

2.  After a week of anxiety of trying to get a residency permit in Shanghai so that I could re-enter the country and after spending a night sleeping on an airport bench, I made it to Toronto for the 50th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony on November 18th (most memorable birthday ever!)

3.  I realize I didn’t do the greatest job keeping up with writing in The Deoli Diaries and maintaining AIDCI’s website (just updated it).  That will change!

question-mark-faceThe newest story that I’m working on piecing together right now is one of the most memorable and shocking stories that I’ve heard and retold as part of AIDCI’s presentation at the Toronto Hakka Conference.  Keep your eyes out…I’ll be posting it in the next few days!